
A day later, Snakes, my cat was getting worse. He seemed to get, what I thought were severe lower back cramps, and struggled to go to the loo. I took him back to a different vet at the same practice, who looked at him. He also saw that the cat was in pain, but could not find the problem, and it was at this moment that he recommended Jess Harkness to me. He said that if there was anything wrong with the cat’s spine then Jess could help. I made the appointment, and by the time Jess saw Snakes, he was not only in great pain, but severely traumatized. Jess immediately diagnosed the problem and pin pointed it to his lower back. It all made sense to me, as a couple of times Snakes had, what I thought to be sciatica cramps. (I know from my own experience with back problems, and seeing a chiropractor, and also finding the relief from getting treatment). Jess was very careful and gentle with the cat, he almost looked like it was a relief to get this treatment. It took about 45 minutes and then I took him home. Apart from a runny tummy for about a day, the cat showed immediate improvement. He walked more straight, and his tail was more upright instead of the lob sided way it was hanging before. He clearly went through a terrible ordeal so although he was still scared to go out, he was much more relaxed and did not seem to be in any pain. Snakes kept on improving, and Jess came to see him again one more time to check that everything was back to normal. She definitely cured my cat, something that the vets could not do. I would recommend her to anyone who has an animal in pain, and where it is a condition where the vets may not be able to help with normal treatment like infections etc.